The R&S test solution
Test system overview
The test system includes a scenario simulator that generates pulse descriptor words (PDWs). The PDWs are the basis for generating corresponding RF signals that are then fed to the device under test (DUT).
Scenario simulator
Kongsberg developed an in-house real-time simulation environment that can accurately replicate all aspects of a missile flight. The simulator can generate PDWs for a large number of simultaneous emitters, taking into account positions, attitudes, antenna patterns and propagation. Integration of the Rohde&Schwarz test system closes the loop by generating accurate RF incident signals identical to those at the receiver inputs.
Signal generator interface
Time-synchronized PDWs are sent to the Rohde&Schwarz test system. The PDWs include the phase and amplitude response of the antennas along with other parameters.
Multi-channel radar simulation
The main components of the Rohde&Schwarz test system include two coupled R&S®SMW200A vector signal generators (VSG) and an analog R&S®SMA100B signal generator for the local oscillator (LO) signal. Using a common LO source together with the advanced clock distribution concept of the VSGs ensures accurate, stable and repeatable simulations of relative amplitude, phase and group delay offsets between the RF ports at the reference plane for the DUT input, as required for precise AOA simulations.
RF port alignment
R&S®RF Ports Alignment Software runs predefined and optimized alignment routines for RF signals at the reference plane. RF frequencies, used bandwidth and level range for alignment are configured for the test case. The software together with a network analyzer automatically determines the correction coefficients for all RF ports and loads the data to the Rohde&Schwarz test system.
The DUT may be the RF sensor or a portion of the subsystem running true operational software on real flight hardware.
Erik Narverud, Team Manager Passive RF Sensor System Integration at Kongsberg
»Rohde&Schwarz was able to offer a system that not only has excellent phase coherence, but also provided a flexible and scalable solution where Kongsberg was able to integrate the signal generator in an existing closed-loop simulation environment.«
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