Open European Quantum Key Distribution Testbed
OPENQKD aims to bring about a change in the way we see, understand and use quantum communication. Its main focus is to create and test a communication network infrastructure using Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). This is a particularly secure form of encryption that allows data to be transmitted with a built-in eavesdropper detection mechanism. It will lay the groundwork for a pan-European quantum communication infrastructure that uses satellite as well as ground-based solutions.
Approach and goals
OPENQKD has the ambition to reinforce Europe’s global position at the forefront of quantum communication capabilities. We aim to:
- Demonstrate the transparent integration of quantum-safe solutions broadly across the European digital landscape.
- Create several open QKD testbeds plus smaller demonstrators to promote network functionality and use-cases to potential end-users and relevant stakeholders.
- Develop an innovation ecosystem and training ground and help to grow the technology and solution supply chains for quantum communication technologies and services.
Project organisation
OpenQKD is a joint research project funded by the European Commission and involves various expert partners from research and industrial fields. The Austrian Institute of Technology is responsible for the project lead.
- Project management: European Commission
- Consortium: Austrian Institute of Technology, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity GmbH and 38 further project partners from 13 EU states in total
- Project duration: 09/2019 – 09/2022