Running a test campaign while changing the drive signals in the two Doherty paths enables complete amplifier design characterization.
The R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator outputs two signals whose relative linear (amplitude and phase) or non-linear (e.g. shaped) characteristics are varied with precision.
The R&S®FSW signal and spectrum analyzer not only returns scalar quantities such as spectral regrowth and EVM, but also AM/AM and AM/PM, gain and peak envelope power (using the R&S®FSW-K18 option).
This rapidly acquired data provides you with previously invisible insights for a well performing signal split design for dual-path Doherty.
You are assured of the highest possible performance from any set of devices no matter which of the following you use:
- Fixed RF input splitter
- Programmable RF splitter
- Dispersive input splitter
- Dual-input digital Doherty