Rohde&Schwarz solution
Rohde&Schwarz has reliable and repeatable test solutions for ADAS and automated driving (AD). The R&S®AREG800A automotive radar echo generator is a unique solution for testing immunity of radar sensors against interference. The R&S®AREG800A is flexible and can generate multiple independent dynamic targets and inject interference signals into a radar’s field of view.
By providing input interfaces in the IF domain, the R&S®AREG800A together with the R&S®SMW200A vector signal generator can simulate a wide range of interferers. The generated interference is superimposed onto the echo signals and upconverted into the RF domain with the R&S®AREG800A frontend.
Together with R&S®Pulse Sequencer software, the R&S®AREG800A and R&S®SMW200A define a reference test setup that analyzes and tests radar sensor interference mitigation. The R&S®Pulse Sequencer is a user friendly software program for designing and calculating interference signals, such as FMCW and PMCW sequences.