
What you need to know about 5G mmWave device testing

Presented by Manuel Galozy and Dr. Taro Eichler

Webinar: What you need to know about 5G mmWave device testing

5G NR (New Radio) has pioneered the use of mmWave frequencies that provide large bandwidths. This frequency range 2 (FR2), ranging from 24.25 GHz to 52.6 GHz, enables reliable, high data rate transmissions required particularly for demanding real-time applications with low latencies. Wide bandwidths and a very high configuration flexibility challenge the design of mobile devices, requiring new testing approaches. Highly integrated frontends and array antennas necessitate advanced over-the-air (OTA) testing methods and new RF test metrics for assessing current and future mobile communication. This includes standardized evaluation and verification methods under repeatable and realistic conditions to ensure that a mobile device complies to the 3GPP standard. This webinar will discuss the test challenges related to the design of 5G mmWave devices. It also highlights how the R&S®CMX500 test platform from Rohde & Schwarz, in combination with compact over-the-air (OTA) chambers, can ensure 3GPP compliance of 5G NR devices.

In short, you will learn about:

  • Test challenges associated with 5G FR2 mmWave designs
  • Reliable non-standalone (NSA) and standalone (SA) callbox tests in FR1 and FR2
  • How to execute 3GPP RF tests for mmWave devices

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