Automotive connectivity enables the intelligent transportation system (ITS)
Intelligent transportation systems of today and of the future support communication technologies that range from network-based V2N to direct communication V2X. The automotive world is changing and so is its role in the communication universe. New use cases require cutting-edge technologies, and this drives innovative ideas like predictive communication.
Created by Rohde & Schwarz technology specialists, this extensive white paper examines all relevant wireless communication topics that an automotive expert should be aware of.
Some of the topics covered:
- Automotive use cases and scenarios (including standardization aspects and related regional/national initiatives)
- Technology aspects of wireless communications for specific automotive applications
- Network-based communication for automotive applications (from LTE to 5G)
- Direct communications technologies that enable intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
- Important test and measurement needs required to ensure optimal performance of these technologies.
This white paper examines everything from lab-based testing and in-field performance testing to over-the-air (OTA) testing needs for vehicles. In the end, a clear overview of supplementary, non-communication related testing aspects in the automotive world is offered.
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